Monday, August 9, 2010

Here are a few pics from the opening last Thursday. There was a good crowd. We almost filled the 1600 square foot space on the main Floor of the Nyack fitness Center. People floated in and out most of the evening. Jeff Castaldo, owner of Nyack Fitness, sponsored Standpoint and cleared the first floor for the event. The surprise for the evening happened at 7 and 7:30 when there were two dance exhibitions. The first was good friend/artist/ and great Tango Dancer, Viktor Gagliardi, and his partner Marie. The second was a Salsa performance by Sheryl Santi Luks and Igor Sharapanuk from NYDance. Igor is a champion World Latin Dancer. The guest judges were eminent artist Augustus Goertz, and Amy Lipton, Curator for the EcoArts Space Gallery in NYC. We are grateful to both judges, and to all the people who helped put the show together. I tried to take a few shots of the artist in front of the work, and since featured artist/photographer Rick Bannerot took several pictures of me, I had to include them. I looked cute in that polka dot dress.
It was a grand event.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you for a successful opening. Looking forward to seeing the winners!

